Friday, May 11, 2012

Wrath of God

Dear Journal,
I had the privilege to wake up this morning to learn many beautiful lessons from God. One is the health-giving value of outdoor life. It thought me of the beauty of nature and how it is therapeutic and medicinal, and how it strengthens us physically, mentally, and spiritually. The beautiful nature that surrounds us expresses the wonderful and tender loving of our God to us. How awesome is God.
The Lord then took me to Psalm 90 and I quickly fell in love with this chapter of Moses’ psalm. But from the 17 verses of the 90th chapter of psalm, verses 7-12 quickly caught my eyes:
7. For we [the Israelites in the wilderness] are consumed by Your anger, and by Your wrath are we troubled, overwhelmed, and frightened away.
8. Our iniquities, our secret heart and its sins [which we would so like to conceal even from ourselves], You have set in the [revealing] light of Your countenance.
9. For all our days [out here in this wilderness, says Moses] pass away in Your wrath; we spend our years as a tale that is told [for we adults know we are doomed to die soon, without reaching Canaan].
10. The days of our years are [a]threescore years and ten (seventy years)—or even, if by reason of strength, fourscore years (eighty years); yet is their pride [in additional years] only labor and sorrow, for it is soon gone, and we fly away.
11. Who knows the power of Your anger? [Who worthily connects this brevity of life with Your recognition of sin?] And Your wrath, who connects it with the reverent and worshipful fear that is due You?
12. So teach us to number our days, that we may get us a heart of wisdom. (AMP)
To look at this, how many of the young people can detect a blessing of God or the wrath of God?
I would like to bring this home to our young people who read this. Young people, do you love your parents? Do you think your parents love you? Do you think that your parents have their best interest for you?
Let’s do an example; let’s say that you love music, and whenever you go to a music store, even when you were three years old, you enjoyed going to the piano section and play with all the pianos there. Because of that interests that your parents sees in you, they want you to succeed in it. So, they bought you a beautiful piano so you can practice on it. And because they want you to be a wonderful pianist, they even hired the best piano teacher.
Young people, just through this simple example, do you see the blessings that your parents have done to you? Yes, of course. Yet, many young people groaned and complained, “Why do I have to spend hours and hours every day to learn piano?” “It’s too tedious and monotonous.” Like what I have said long ago. We started to become bored at it and started doing things that we feel, as we thought, would “Greatly benefits” us. We started to hang out with friends who felt the same way, and instead of pursuing after what our parents wants we pursue after what our friends think we should do.
Now, is it permissible for any parents to be angry at their children when this happen? Yes, absolutely. Young people, I’m talking to you again, your parents have worked hard, spent hundreds and hundreds of dollars on the beautiful piano, hired the best teacher in town, and you dropped the bomb on them by complaining and murmuring of how pointless the piano lessons have become. Of course any parents would be furious.
God have His best interest in us. He loves us so much. He gave us the beautiful outdoor for us to enjoy. He made the grains, fruits and vegetables for us to eat. He provided loving parents to care, to meet our needs and to provide what’s best for us. He even sent His only begotten Son to die for our sins, just for our best interest. And young people, that interest is to enjoy an eternal life in heaven with the One who loved you the most. And because of His love for us, often time He has to show His anger to us.
Psalm 90:11 says, “Who knows the power of Your anger? [Who worthily connects this brevity of life with Your recognition of sin?] And Your wrath, who connects it with the reverent and worshipful fear that is due You?” Can we see God’s anger and His wrath? He does this because He first loved you and I.
Jesus repetitively exemplifies His love for you and I as a Father who longs for His Children to return to Him. Throughout this journey of life, God have shown wonderful blessings that He has done in our life and He asked us to count His blessings, not to brag, but to see the love that He had done for you. Psalm 90:12 says, “So teach us to number our days, that we may get us a heart of wisdom.” May you count the love that He has for you?
Assdhy F. Lolowang

Bible verses were taken from the Amplified Bible version.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

He Takes You Back

Dear Journal,

Why is it that when I know I have hit rock-bottom, and have messed up big time that God seems closer than before? And why does it feel like He is whispering comfort to you?
Yesterday for example, as I talked to Jessica, a tune played in my head. As I started humming, I suddenly realized that it was a perfect song in responding to my feelings and thoughts at the time. The lyric goes like this:

The reason why I stand
The answer lies in you
You hung to make me strong
Though my praise was few
When I fall I bring Your name down
But I have found in you
A heart that bleeds forgiveness
Replacing all these thoughts that
Have overtaken me
But I know that Your response will always be
I'll take you back as always and
Even when your fight is over now
Even when your fight is over now
I'll take you back as always and
Even when the pain is coming through
Even when the pain is coming through
I'll take you back
You satisfy this cry
Of what I’m looking for
And I’ll take all I can
And lay it down before
The throne of endless grace now
That radiates what’s true
And I’m in the only place that
Erases all these faults that
Have overtaken me
But I know that Your response will always be
I'll take you back as always and
Even when your fight is over now
Even when your fight is over now
I'll take you back as always and
Even when the pain is coming through
Even when the pain is coming through
I’ll take you back.
‘Cause I can only speak with a grateful heart
As I’m pierced by this gift of Your love
And I will always bring an offering
I can never thank You enough.
You take me back as always and
Even when my fight is over now
Even when my fight is over now
You take me back as always and
Even when my pain is coming through
Even when my pain is coming through
You take me back as always
Even when my fight is over now
Even when my fight is over now
You take me back as always
Even when my pain is coming through
Even when my pain is coming through
You take me back
You take me back.1

God certainly is an awesome God. He is a loving God and He loved me before I loved Him. His words will always be, “I’ll take you back.” Even when I have been lost, even when I have squander all His blessings, even when I’ve fed and ate with swine, even when my clothes are ragged and dirty, even when…
My Father waited and waited patiently.
As I recognized my need, I turned away from sin and started to walk back to my Father's house.
From a distance I can see a manly figure, with compassion, He sees me and jumped with joy as He dashed toward me. I felt so embarrassed. It is humiliating for any father to run to a son who has taken his father’s inheritance, which should have been given when his or her parents died. Yet, I’ve squandered all, and here I am, still on the way home, yet, my Father is running toward me.
I quickly look at myself, "am I good enough to be in His presence? I'm so dirty, and my stench is so strong." I then repeated these words, "Father, I have sinned against heaven, and before thee, and am no more worthy to be called thy son: make me as one of thy hired servants.2" As I saw Him closer to me, breaking every human tradition, He fell on my neck and kissed me. I have not made it home yet. I’m still on my way there, yet my Father has embraced me.
He longed for me. I started to say "Father, I have sinned against heaven, and before thee, and am no more worthy to be called thy son…2" He then called His servants and uttered these words, “Bring forth the best robe, and put it on him; and put a ring on his hand, and shoes on his feet: And bring hither the fatted calf, and kill it; and let us eat, and be merry: For this my son was dead, and is alive again; he was lost, and is found. And they began to be merry.2
He never wanted me to be His servants. He loves me and He loves you, even though the mistakes you have done seem so great, He says, “I take you back.” Will you never give up on Him?

           Assdhy F. Lolowang.

1 Lyric is taken from the song “Take You Back” by Jeremy Camp.
2 The verse provided was taken from the story of the Prodigal Son in Luke 15 from King James Bible.
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