Wednesday, January 24, 2024

Navigating the Unexpected: My Journey Home

    If you have not read my previous blog post, please do so, because what I’m about to share happened just hours after Professor Sunia’s prayer, right after I returned home from Southern Adventist University, following my ‘Life and Teachings of Jesus’ class. I perceive that there is a war behind the scenes, a war of life and death, a war to keep those whom God has set aside, dead or alive.

    I’m not certain if God has set me aside, but through His providential signs, I sense that I may be set apart for His purpose. I am not perfect, but if that’s the case, please keep me in your prayers.

    From the video, you can see that it rained; you can also see the black Cadillac crossing from the other side, from a lane that is not permitted to make a left turn. You can also see that the traffic light was green and turned yellow as I crossed the intersection, and that I gave ample warning by honking to alert the driver that I was crossing. Had angels not been there to protect me, I might have collided head-on with the black Cadillac.

    However, praise the Lord that He kept me safe.

    Sometimes, the unexpected is placed in our path so that we can continue to keep our eyes on Jesus. Our ultimate destination is heaven, but as long as we live in this sinful world, the devil will continue to distract us from focusing on Jesus. May this experience serve as encouragement to keep our eyes fixed on Jesus.

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