Wednesday, April 18, 2012

God's Love on 18th of April, 2012

Dear Journal,

Let me quickly tell you of the love of God in my life today. Today I was at work a little earlier than usual. I grabbed my assignment, and there they are five names of clients who I thought was difficult to deal with, especially with their high levels of alertness.
So the first thing as everyone entered the van, I told them that I will be praying before going out. The three of us got quiet, and I prayed. Once that's done, I supposed to have another staff with me, however, he wasn't available, so I went on my pick-up route alone.
Of course, God wouldn't leave me alone; He had me worked with a Nepalese gentleman named Sha. There was a reason why, because through our activities of the day, a couple of our clients almost got into a fight. Good thing I had Sha at the passenger side to help me control the clients.
The awesome thing that I experience today, through the long driving, was that my God was able to keep the car and the passengers safe. There was time when my eyes were heavy, but God was there to help me. I asked Sha to switch with me, but I don't know why, God was able to waken me up with some of the sour Skittles that I’ve purchased, and I was fine after. I do praise God, who faithfully watches over me from the beginning through the end of my shift.
There was also another cool experience that I almost forgot to mention. Yesterday, a client and I had a little bit of conversation on which day is the Lord's Day. When I dropped him off, I told him to do a research on it from the Bible and the internet. This morning when I picked him up, I asked him about the research that he did, and he himself stated that the Sabbath day falls on the Seventh-day which is Saturday. So I was glad that he too agreed on it.
God is so awesome throughout my journey, and I know that He will be with me through the end. Now a question comes to mind...
"Would I be faithful to Him to the end?"


PS., "But thou, O Lord, art a God full of compassion, and gracious, long suffering, and plenteous in mercy and truth." - Psalm 86:15 -KJV.

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