Sunday, April 22, 2012

Thou Shalt Not Bear False Witness Against Thy Neighbour.

Dear Journal,

What is a big deal? "Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbour.1(Exodus 20:16). How can this commandment be a commandment that we ought to follow? What is such a big deal about this? I mean, our parents have done it, our leaders have done it, even the presidents of America have lied. So what?
My whole name is Assdhy Frengky Lolowang. I’m a youth leader at my local church and an adult care provider to adults who needed an alternative support. However, in English, Frengky is technically spelled Frankie, and the nick name that they used for me is "Frank." Which the World English Dictionary defined it as "honest and straightforward in speech or attitude." So technically, I can say, "how can I lie, my nick name is Frank" followed by a wink.
Nevertheless, if I stand at the judgment door today, I would have been weight, and found guilty before God and men. Breaking this simple commandment of God, would separate me from the love of God. But why?
The Bible says, “But your iniquities have separated between you and your God, and your sins have hid his face from you, that he will not hear.1” (Isaiah 59:2). Iniquity, or lawlessness, or the transgression of the law (1 John 3:4), or sin, would separate me from my God?
What is bearing false witness against our neighbor anyway? Isn’t it the same as lying to others? And why is it such a big deal to God?
John 17:17 stated that God’s Word is truth, John 1:1 said that the Word is God. Hebrews 6:18 mentioned that it is impossible for God to lie. Ok. I can see that God is truth and understand why God dislikes lying. But does He hates it?
In Proverbs 6:16-19 the Bible says, “These six things doth the LORD hate: yea, seven are an abomination unto Him: A proud look, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood, An heart that deviseth wicked imaginations, feet that be swift in running to mischief, A false witness that speaketh lies, and he that soweth discord among brethren.1” According to this passage, lying is an abomination to God. No wonder Isaiah 59:2 mentioned that sin, transgression of the law, or even lying, would separate me from the love of my God.
So now, my small lie, whether it is a white lie or an unspoken lie have placed me away from the God whom I love. What about to the family whom I love, the youth whom I love, the church whom I love or the work place whom I love? What about to the woman and her family whom I truly love? If a lying tongue is an abomination to God, which separates us from Him, how is it to human being?
Throughout my life, I may have not made my lies apparent, however, I have slowly revealed this sin and now it is transparent to the one whom I truly love. And because of this, it has separated me from the love of my girlfriend and especially from the love of my God.
Lying is not just a small sin that can simply be covered up under the carpet, lying is a conduct that is abominable not just to our neighbors, friends and family, but to God. It separated me from the love of the one whom I love, and it absolutely separated me from the love of my God.
I have been weighted and found guilty before God and men. There are no words that I can say to justify my false testimonies or anything I can do to keep me away from death that I deserve. The lies that I’ve committed deserves a penalty that is worst then death. I do would like to sincerely apologize for the abominating act that I have performed against any of you, especially to the one whom I truly love. And if any of you whom I have lied to, or bore a false witness upon, would like to vindicate justice upon me and wish to have justice be put in place, I am willing to face those consequences.
Forgive me of my wrongdoings. I do promise to God and men, if I am given another chance to live, I will do my best to walk in God’s precept and according to His will for as long as I live. I have made my mistakes and I do hope that the people I have hurt would forgive me of the lies that I've committed.

Assdhy F. Lolowang.

1The verses provided were taken from the King James Bible. There are no copyright infringements intended.

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