Tuesday, April 17, 2012

God's Love on 17th of April, 2012

Dear journal,

Of course God has been faithful, I was tardy once again in arriving to work, but by the grace of God, I was able to drive to pick up our clients on time, and now spending one to two minutes in sharing how awesome God is to me.
I did not have the chance to eat my breakfast this morning, and as I was thinking of buying some breakfast at McDonald, my co-worker, Durga, shared me a sandwich that she pre-prepared.
Then, one of our clients requested for the group to go to a Dollar Tree store, where I was able to purchase $1.00 worth of water bottle and a box of candies to keep me awake through my drive. So instead of wasting $5 to $6 worth of breakfast at McDonald, I spent about $3 plus tax in total. Amazing.
Well, this is just a quick update. After the library, we will be heading to the mall for lunch. Boy, I can't wait for lunch.

Another good news, my wonderful girlfriend is so patience with me, she sent me a text message telling me that she forgave me. Boy that sure made my day. Journal, just between you and I, I truly love her so very much. Sometimes I feel like she doesn't believe me. So I think I have to do something about that.
Anyway, will be back to write more of what happened this morning.


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